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rifle shooting precision benchrest bullet 6mm
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BENCHREST--Hoppe Posts Best-Ever Group at 600 Yards: Here is Bob Hoppe's 0.579" five-shot group shot recently in Sacramento. It's truly a remarkable achievement. Bob shot the group with a 6mm Dasher (Light Gun), Varget powder, and Hornady 105-grain Amax bullets. The group isn't official yet, but we spoke to Don Nielson, an NBRSA Officer, and he believes the group will eventually certify well under 0.6". "I measured it myself," Don said, "and Robert deserves to be proud. That's one heck of a group, and we're pleased it was shot in an NBRSA match." Robert's group is the smallest 5-shot group ever shot in registered benchrest competition at 600 yards. For reference, the true size of the white X-Ring is 1.2" in diameter.

COMPETITION--Bernosky Sets New High Power Record: 2007 Camp Perry National High Power Champion Carl Bernosky added another milestone to his list of achievements this past weekend. Shooting the same AR15-platform rifle that carried him to victory at Camp Perry, Carl shot an 800-41X score on the New Holland (PA) 200, 300, 600-yard National Match course. When certified, that will be a new National record. The previous record was an 800-38X (shot by T. Lawton in 2005). Carl modestly downplayed his achievement: "This time the close ones were on the inside instead of the outside."
In High Power matches, competitors shoot in three different positions -- standing, sitting, and prone -- and iron sights are used. This makes High Power one of the most challenging of all rifle disciplines. Carl feels that his AR-platform gun does give him some benefits over other rifle designs. Carl noted: "For me, I shoot better standing scores with the AR. I can't tell you why exactly, but certainly the self-loading feature of the rifle allows me to maintain position better shot to shot. The other advantage is in rapid-fire prone. There I think it is a real plus not to have to work the bolt."
Carl Bernosky's rifle features a custom upper built by John Holliger on a Smith & Wesson M&P15 lower with Geiselle trigger. The upper has a 26" Krieger barrel chambered in the 6mm Hagar. This is a new wildcat cartridge based on the 30 Remington case, necked down to 6mm. The 6mm Hagar resembles a 6.8 SPC with a .100? longer body, 30-degree shoulder, and greater case capacity. It has a .420 rim diameter, and is formed from .30 Remington brass. At New Holland, Carl shot alongside Robert Whitley. Carl said he was impressed by Robert's new 6mmAR Turbo round. The 6mmAR Turbo is based on 6.5 Grendel cases necked to 6mm with the shoulder blown forward slightly. Carl told us: "If Robert's 6mmAR Turbo can really shoot the 105s at 2880+ fps, then it should be competitive with the 6mm Hagar, and the brass is available right now. Whitley's cartridge looks like it has great potential."
VARMINTING--Techshooter's Black Hills (WY) Prairie Dog Hunt:
Site contributor Chris Long (aka "TechShooter") has crafted a report about his July, 2007 Prairie Dog Expedition in Wyoming. Ralph and Lenora Dampman of Trophy Ridge Outfitters served as guides for the trip. Trophy Ridge runs 'Dog hunts near the town of Carlile in the NW range of the Black Hills, near Devil's Tower National Monument. Primarily big game outfitters, Ralph and Lenora have access to thousands of acres of private ranch land. They run guided prairie dog hunts during their off-season.
Chris reports "The terrain is beautiful, a welcome change from the South Dakota prairie, with lots of hills and Ponderosa pine trees. [These] ranch lands are home to some prodigious dog towns." Chris continues: "The goal of this trip (besides having a great time) was to get in some long range (1000+ yard) opportunities, and possibly even a shot over 1500 yards, in order to qualify for the VHA 1500 yard certification. I had worked up some really good loads for the 6.5-284 TubeGun and the .260 AI using the new 130 grain Berger VLDs, and wanted to see how they performed at these extreme ranges. I also wanted to see how the trusty 6 Dasher performed as a long range varmint cartridge."
Chris Long was joined by two friends who came all the way from Virginia. Chris reports, "Our plan was to get in four days of intense, long-range shooting. We were not disappointed! The shooting was from 100 to over 1000 yards, and the dogs were everywhere. There were plenty of targets close in, so there was a lot a variety. It is especially challenging to move in and out in range by these extreme amounts. It gave me a lot of practice estimating range and wind conditions, then seeing if I could get the come-ups and windage right on the scope for the first shot at the new range. By the end of the trip, I was getting it pretty close, with some 1-shot hits out to about 600 yards."
Chris's primary long-range rifle was his 6.5-284 Tube-gun (photo above) running 130gr Berger VLDs at 3165 fps. Chris reports the 130s can be shot at 3165 fps with no excessive pressures, and "scary, one hole, 5-shot 100-yard group accuracy." With a B.C. of about 0.6, the 130s shoot flatter and exhibit less wind drift than the 140gr class bullets at 2950 FPS. Chris's second gun was a more conventional bolt-action in a Franklin LowRider stock, set up with both 6mm Dasher and .260 AI barrels. Chris notes: "The Dasher has proven itself in spades as an extremely accurate cartridge for F-Class Open competition, and I was anxious to see how it performed as a varmint cartridge. The performance was excellent, with many hits out past 1000 yards. This rifle is set up as a switch-barrel rig, and is the platform for the 260 AI. I made a portable barrel vise that mounts in the trailer hitch receiver on the Suburban. That, with a rear entry action wrench, makes barrel changes a 5 minute affair. I would shoot until the barrel got a bit hot, then switch and proceed with the other caliber." CLICK HERE to read the complete story. It contains more load data, details of hits made out to 1330 yards, and many great photos of the Wyoming scenery. For .260 AI and 6 Dasher tech tips, visit TechShooter's Shooting Pages. ? 2007 Chris Long, All Rights Reserved.
CASE PREP--How to Choose the Right Neck Chamfering Tools: There are a wide variety of reloading tools designed to cut a slight chamfer in case necks and deburr the edge of the case mouth. You don't need to spend a lot of money for an effective tool. A basic "rocket-style" 45? chamfering tool, such as the Forster, actually does a pretty good job taking the sharp edge off case mouths, particularly if you use a little scotch-pad to smooth the edge of the cut. The $13.00 Forster is a nicely made product, with sharper cutting blades than you'll find on most other 45? chamferers.
Many folks feel they can get smoother bullet seating by using a tool that cuts at a steeper angle. We like the 22° cutter sold by Lyman. It has a comfortable handle, and costs under $9.00 at MidwayUSA.com. The Lyman tool is an excellent value, though we've seen examples that needed sharpening even when new. Blade-sharpening is easily done, however.
Darrell Holland has offered a nice 28? chamfering tool for quite some time and we think it works very well. Sinclair recently introduced a 28? chamferer similar to the Holland tool, with some additional features. The $26.50 Sinclair Chamfering Tool (14 degrees per side) will chamfer cases from .14 through .45 caliber. The cutter head/shaft segment, with a .250" diameter shank, can be purchased by itself for $16.95. This can be chucked in a drill or, with an adapter, it can be used with a power screwdriver when prepping large volumes of cases.
K&M makes a depth-adjustable "VLD" chamferer ("case mouth reamer") which has very sharp blades and can be adjusted for cutting depth. It makes a very "steep" cut into the inside of the case neck. The latest version ($24.00 at PrecisionReloading.com), features a central pin that indexes via the flash hole to keep the cutter centered. However if you are not very careful, it is easy to over-cut, slicing away too much brass and basically ruining your neck. We think that most reloaders will get better results using a more conventional chamfer tool, such as the Forster or Lyman.
One last thing to note--tools like the K&M and the Holland chamferer are often described as VLD chamferers--that is really a misnomer, as bullets with long boat-tails actually seat easily with very minimal chamfering. In reality, these high-angle chamferers may be most valuable when preparing brass for flat-base bullets and bullets with pressure rings. Using a 22? or 28? chamferer can reduce the risk of cutting a jacket when using VLD bullets though--so long as you make a smooth cut. |
SHOOTING SPORTS--Fly Shoots Showcase Accuracy, Aussie-Style The Australians have their own, indigenous form of precision target shooting--the Fly Shoot. It's a form of score shooting at 500 meters (with bonus points added for group size). The course of fire is 5 shots on the Fly target plus up to 3 sighting shots at steel or paper. There are two classes, Heavy Gun and Light Gun. Light Guns are limited to 17 pounds (similar to IBS and NBRSA Light Gun), while Unlimiteds have no weight restriction. There is no dominant caliber, though the Aussies seem to favor the larger calibers--big 30s and even .338s. You are allowed to shoot any chambering under .50 caliber. Barrel Blocks and tuners are legal. Any stock configuration and any scope is allowed, and Competitors may spot for each other. It's a game of few rules--and lots of fun.
 The Federal Cup is the main Fly Shoot event of the year and is shot on a Holiday weekend in March each year. The "Fly Shoot" originated in Canberra in 1990. It was set up by Jim McKinley and John Rawson. A wide variety of cartridges are used in all calibres from 22 to 338. But given the heavy mirage that is often present, to be sure of seeing the shots one needs to shoot a larger calibre and have good optics (such as Nightforce scopes). The Federal Cup held in March has four major sponsors, Federal Cartridge Co, Westfire, ADI and Lightforce. In the center of the target is a "Fly". It represents a March Fly and is the ultimate in fly shooting. A special Fly Patch (left) is awarded for hits on the fly.
The photo at right shows the target system used at Canberra for the 500m Fly Shoot. The official Fly target is on top with a metal sighter plate ("splash plate") below. These "splash plates", made from heavy-duty Bisaloy 360 steel, can swing from hangers thereby absorbing the shock of even the heaviest magnums. Sighter shots on the plate show up as large dark spots. This way at least the sighters can be seen in heavy mirage. Shots are counted for score and bonus points are awarded for group size. The maximum points available per target is 60. CLICK HERE for more information on 500m Fly Shoots. You can view photos of Forum member Wild Bill's very trick 6mm Dasher Fly Gun in THIS THREAD. It features metal rails in the front and a Stiller barrel tuner. CLICK HERE for the official rules for 500m Fly Shooting. We particularly like Rule Number 10: "Any competitor found not enjoying themselves will be disqualified." |
TECH TIP--Mirage Shields Aid Varminters as Well as BR Shooters: A quality mirage shield reduces the amount of optical distortion caused by heat waves rising from the barrel directly in front of the scope. On a hot day, after many rounds through the barrel, the benefit of a mirage shield can be quite dramatic. Benchrest shooters have used mirage shields for many years. Mirage shields can be just as beneficial for the serious varmint shooter. But, curiously, most varminters we know don't employ mirage shields. We think they should. A mirage shield is a low-cost accessory that helps you get more hits and fewer misses.
As our friend Boyd Allen observed: "Varminters should use mirage shields. Think about it. You've invested thousands of dollars in a fancy varmint rifle and quality scope. You may have spent hundreds of dollars traveling to the varmint fields and spent dozens of hours loading up your ammo. Without a mirage shield on your barrel, once that barrel gets hot, you WILL get mirage effects that can make you miss a shot. A mirage shield costs just a few dollars. It really doesn't make sense to go out to the varmint fields without one, if you plan on shooting lots of rounds. Barrel heat mirage can cause you to miss that critter, even if you have the most accurate rifle in the world."
Dan Lilja offers a nice, wide mirage shield for $10: "Our mirage shield works well for varmint rifles when there is a lot of action and the barrel is getting hot. The shield deflects image-distorting heat waves that come off of a hot barrel. The heat flows out past the edge of the shield and out of the line-of-sight of the rifle scope. These shields are 18 long, made of thin painted steel (like window blinds) and can be easily trimmed to desired length."
Sinclair International also offers a 2"-wide venetian-blind style Mirage Shade, that costs just $3.95. It is available in two lengths, 18" for BR barrels (item 06-7200), and 24" for longer varmint barrels (item 06-7300). The Sinclair Shade is made of aluminum and can easily be trimmed to a shorter length. Like the Lilja shield, the Sinclair Mirage Shade attaches with adhesive-backed Velcro fasteners. The Sinclair Shade is made of aluminum and can easily be trimmed to a shorter length. Like the Lilja shield, the Sinclair Mirage Shade attaches with adhesive-backed Velcro fasteners. The Sinclair Shade is made of aluminum and can easily be trimmed to a shorter length. Like the Lilja shield, the Sinclair Mirage Shade attaches with adhesive-backed Velcro fasteners.
GUNSMITHING--Shilen Offers Pre-Fit AR15 Barrels: We chatted with Wade Hull of Shilen Rifles recently. Wade mentioned "you know we've brought out a line of 'drop-in' (pre-threaded and chambered) AR-15 barrels in a variety of calibers." This is great news for high-power, service rifle, and varmint rifle shooters. The pre-fit barrels come in two contours (service rifle or heavy varmint), and a choice of four chamberings: 17 Rem, .204 Ruger, .223 Rem Match, and .223 Wylde. (The .223 Wylde is a long-throat .223 Rem for the VLD bullets). Wade told us: "Using our pre-threaded blanks each barrel is assigned a bolt assembly and then chambered to the correct headspace for THAT bolt. Gas-block shanks are machined to +- .001 for proper fit. Each barrel is uniquely numbered to match with its corresponding numbered bolt and the barrel extension is installed. (Gas block and gas tube not included.) Customers can provide their bolt assembly for a discount or request that multiple barrels be head-spaced to one bolt assembly." Drop-in AR-15 Barrels cost $458. Shilen also offers barrel blanks, and AR15 barrels that are pre-threaded but need to be headspaced by a smith.
CARTRIDGE NEWS--Whitley Unveils 6mmAR 'Turbo' for AR Platform: Robert Whitley has developed the very accurate "6mmAR" cartridge based on Lapua 6.5 Grendel brass necked down to 6mm. This round is optimized for the AR15 platform, and provides excellent performance with 105-108gr bullets, with ballistics that beat both the .223 Rem and the 6.5 Grendel. Robert offers complete 6mmAR uppers for the AR platform through his 6mmAR.com website.
Not content with the success of the plain 6mmAR, Robert has created a new wildcat, the "6mmAR Turbo". By moving the shoulder forward (while retaining its 30° angle), Robert has designed a case that delivers more velocity. The 6mmAR Turbo can push a 105gr 6mm match bullet to 2850+ fps. This rivals the performance of the larger 6mmBR cartridge, in a round better suited for the AR platform, with less both thrust and better feeding from the magazine. Robert tells us: "I have been testing the '6mmAR Turbo', which is an 'improved' version of the 6mmAR. The Turbo definitely has a good bit more speed. For a guy wanting to shoot plain bullets out of an AR-15, it appears somewhere between 2850 -2900 fps for a bullets like the Berger 105 VLD is a realistic number. With moly bullets, probably a bit more is possible. For the chrono work, all bullets were plain (no moly) and I pushed it to see where was a realistic upper end. I think about 2900 fps with naked 105 Bergers is a 'practical max'. I could probably go to 2950 with plain (non moly) bullets, but I think that would be too hard on the brass."
SECURITY--Zanotti Take-Down Safe: We've received inquiries from readers who are looking for a gunsafe that is big and strong but can be broken down and transported more easily that a typical 800 to 1200-lb safe. There IS one product that fits the bill--the Zanotti safe. It arrives in sections, none weighing more than 170 pounds. It is assembled in place, then can be dis-assembled when you need to move. The Zanotti is also well-suited for a gun-owner who lives in an apartment up many flights of stairs.
Zanotti Armor offers safes that are ideal for gun owners who need to move frequently or who live in a location where it is difficult, if not impossible, to position a conventional safe. Zanotti safes arrive in three or four discrete shipping boxes. The safe is assembled by the owner, on site, in six steps. The heaviest component is the door, weighing 110 pounds in the 16-gun ZAI safe, and 175 pounds in the largest 52-gun ZAIII model. Five safe models are offered, ranging from 350 to 925 pounds assembled weight, without interior. Zanotti safes are very popular with police, military personnel, and others whose jobs force them to re-locate often. The safe can be assembled in under 30 minutes with no tools other than a hammer, and all you need is a hand dolly to move any component.
Guns Magazine reports: "The panels are interlocked by 3/8 inch, nickel-plated steel "L" shaped pins that slip into steel tubing sections welded to the interior surfaces of the panels. The slip fit is held to a tolerance of .003 inch, and the safes are completely assembled and hand fitted at the factory to insure the panels will align properly. The body is made from 1/8 inch and 3/16 inch steel; the door from 3/16 inch steel; the locking bolts are 3/4 inch steel." This is heavier gauge steel than you'll find on most conventional gun safes. Zanotti offers many deluxe interiors including a system of roll-out sliding drawers in the bottom of the safe. We think the sliding drawers are ideal for storing handguns and expensive items such as cameras and binoculars that you want to keep out of plain view. Mark Zanotti, the innovative creator of these modular safes, can also customize any interior to suit the customer's particular needs.
Editor's Note: For most applications, a conventional safe is still the best choice. Bolted in place, a conventional safe with welded walls will provide the best security and a conventional safe can provide increased fire protection. Zanotti safes do not employ a separate layer of sheet-rock or ceramic fire lining. The Zanotti is a special product for gun-owners with special needs. The units are well-made and Zanotti offers many nice custom interior features that you won't find even on much more expensive conventional safes. To learn more about gunsafe features and fire-proofing, read our Gunsafe Buyers' Guide.
RELOADING--FREE Plans for Heavy-Duty Workbench: Here's a nice do-it-yourself project for the winter. Simpson, maker of Strong-Tie fasteners, offers FREE Workbench Plans for a sturdy, 48"-wide bench with a pegboard backing and both upper and lower shelves. A complete list of fasteners and cut lengths is provided. For use as a loading bench with mounted presses, you can double-up the bench-top for extra ridigity. Without much difficulty, the plans can be adapted to build a wider bench if you prefer. The same downloadable document also contains plans for an 80"-high 6-shelf unit, a 72"-high heavy-duty shelving unit (with 4 shelves), and a 48"-wide heavy-duty table.
SITE NEWS--Bulletin Submissions: First, we are always looking for good videos and interesting news items to put in our Bulletin and BLOG. Send your story ideas and video clips to mailbox [@] 6mmBR.com. You don't need a dedicated Video Camera! If you have a recent Canon, Kodak, Olympus, or Minolta digital still camera, you can probably take digital video with it. Check your manual--most digital cameras sold since 2003 offer video capability, and it's easy to use. Keep Video clips under 5 megabytes if possible. 1 minute is a good length. Video clips can be edited using the Windows "MovieMaker" software that's probably already on your computer.
SITE NEWS--User Donation Options: Based on reports from Quantcast, the AccurateShooter Daily Bulletin reaches nearly 36,000 unique readers worldwide every month. Many of our readers have asked how they can help support the site. As our website audience grows, so do our expenses. You can make a donation (via PayPal), using the "DONATION" buttons found on our Home Page and on our Shooters' Forum (at bottom of page). You do NOT need to have a PayPal account, so long as you have a credit card. If you don't wish to use the PayPal system, we also accept checks sent via the U.S. Mail. Jason Baney handles the mailed-in contributions. Please include a short note with your name and Forum "nickname" (if any). Make the check payable to "Jason Baney" and mail your check to: Jason Baney, P.O. Box 308, Douglassville, PA 19518.
UPCOMING EVENTS--Download 2007-2008 Events from NRA: A detailed, 13-page event calendar covering all NRA shooting disciplines is available free from the NRA. This includes all sanctioned NRA matches from October 2007 through December 2008. The "Coming Events" document covers High Power Rifle, Silhouette Rifle, Black-Powder Cartridge Rifle, Smallbore Rifle, Air Rifle, plus a wide variety of pistol disciplines. This handy resource provides match dates, locations, and contact information well into 2008. You'll find all the major national events, plus state championships and most regional competitions. CLICK HERE to download the 13-page (1.5 megabyte) Adobe Acrobat file. You can also find updated info on NRA-sanctioned matches at the Shooting Sports USA website.
WEB TECH--Internet "Spider" Finds Firearms Sales and Gear Deals on Multiple Websites: Looking for firearms and accessories on the web? You can spend hours cruising Forum Classifieds. Or, with one click, you can view items for sale on a dozen different gun forums. Using robotic web spider technology, EliteDealSeeker.com collects active "for sale" listings from around the web, displaying them all on one page, sorted by site. It's a great system that makes shopping for bargains fast and easy.
Most of the listings are for optics and accessories for AR15 or semi-auto style rifles, and for handguns, but precision rifle shooters can still find a bargain out there and this technology can save you lots of time. Spidered sites include AR15.com, Gunsnet.net, Smith-wessonforum.com, Sturmgewehr.com, Snipershide.com, TheHighRoad.org, Thefiringline.com, 1911Forum.com, and SigForum.com.
BLOG Items Wanted: Can you share a smart reloading tip, or news of a great bargain on gear? Can you give us a report from a major match? Then contribute to our 6mmBR Blog. Just email your comment or news item to Mailbox@6mmBR.com. Please keep photos under 300 kb.
COMPETITION--US Teams Top World Benchrest Championships: American teams topped the field at the recent World Benchrest Shooting Federation (WBSF) Championship, hosted in H?lles, Austria. USA Team 3 (Ed Adams, Darrel Loker, Tim Oltersdorf, and Mike Ratigan) took the Team Gold Medal, followed by USA 2 (Silver), and USA 1 (Bronze). American Mike Ratigan was the top individual shooter, winning the Two Gun (.2188 MOA 2-gun Agg), the Heavy Varmint Grand Agg, and the Light Varmint Grand Agg. Mike also added Silver and Bronze medals in the 200m and 100m LV matches, adding to his haul. Wow. Way to go Mike! I guess it's high time for all of us to read Mike's Benchrest treatise, Extreme Rifle Accuracy. Giantonio Quaglino from Italy finished second in Two-Gun, with France's Jean Louis Espinet placing third. This proves that the top shooters from other countries are capable of competing, head to head, with the best America has to offer. Complete match results are found on the WBSF Website.
BULLETS--Sierra Announces New 95gr 6mm MatchKing: Sierra Bullets has a new 95gr, 6mm boat-tail MatchKing bullet. It is optimized for 1:10 (or faster) twist rate barrels. Jason Baney has tested prototypes of the new Sierra 95 MK and it has shot very well at 1000 yards. This should be an excellent bullet for both match shooters AND varminters. It can be driven much faster than a 105-107 grain bullet from a 6BR--3050 fps is doable with a 27" or longer barrel. This bullet should be a screamer in a 6XC, 6-6.5x47, or .243 Win. The Ballistic Coefficient (BC) hasn't been calculated yet, but Sierra's engineers believe it will be "around 0.500". The bullet diameter is spec'd at .2432"-.2434" at the junction of the shank and boat-tail (pressure ring).
Sierra is drawing jackets for the new 95gr SMK right now, and it anticipates the first lots will be delivered to retailers "after Thanksgiving", if not sooner. Here are specifics on the new 95 grain Sierra MatchKing bullet. As you can see below, it looks very similar to the Sierra 107 MatchKing, but it's just a bit shorter, with a bit more curve in the top quarter. Our samples measured 0.2433 at the pressure ring -- same as the current Sierra 107 MKs. For comparison purposes here are various bullet lengths, measured by Jason Baney: 95 SMK OAL: 1.182" | 107 SMK OAL: 1.216" | 105 Berger OAL: 1.235".
Sierra asked us to keep this bullet secret until a decision was made to put the new projectile in production. According to Rich Macholz of Sierra, "We've been very happy with our test results and we know there's a need for a bullet in this weight range. We see the 95 as ideal for guys with factory .243s and the like who want a super-accurate bullet that works in a 10-twist barrel. It should also work great at 300 meters with a 6BR or 6XC. I've shot the 95s in my own 243 and won a match with it. As with all MatchKings, the new 95 has a strong jacket and this bullet can be pushed to 3400 fps and beyond without problems. If you want a bullet for a .243 Ackley or 6-284, this 95 SMK can handle the velocity. It should be a great choice for the Varmint Jamboree and similar competitions." For more info on the 95gr Sierra MK, call 1-800-223-8799 to speak with a Sierra Bulletsmith.
VARMINTING--Franklin's 4000 FPS, 300 WSM Wows Hunters: Richard Franklin (Richard's Custom Rifles) has pioneered the use of lightweight (110-130 grain) 30-caliber bullets in a new generation of hyper-velocity varmint rifles. Richard's new trademark cartridge is the "300 Varminter". Using 30" barrels with the 300 WSM case, Richard's "maxi" varminter delivers incredible levels of energy at both short and long range. Traveling at 4000+ FPS, the lightweight, plastic-tipped bullets literally explode when they hit. This can lift a groundhog up to 10 feet in the air--and Richard has VIDEO to prove it.
Richard tells us that demand is high for the 300 Varminter: "I have built 25 of these rifles just this year, and orders are increasing. I'm building them for coyote hunters out west, and well as Eastern groundhog shooters." Richard adds: "This cartridge is fast AND accurate. My 300 Varminter is now my favorite rifle, and it may be the most accurate long-range varmint rifle I own. Accuracy is really outstanding--I've shot groups under 1.5" at 500 yards with this. And the effect of these bullets at 500+ yards on a 'Hog has to be seen to be believed." Richard uses VV 550 and Norma 300 WSM brass: "Norma is the only way to go--the Win and Rem brass is nowhere near as good".
Richard explains: "The 300 Varminter is built around the 300 WSM case. In good custom actions such as the BAT or Nesika this round will deliver 4000+ FPS with the 125gr Nosler Ballistic tips and a bit more with the 110gr Hornady V-Max. Remington-action rifles will handle velocities up to around 3800 to 3900 FPS with these bullets. We use Norma brass in a tight-neck chamber with zero freebore and slow-twist 30" barrels to obtain these velocities. Accuracy is excellent with either of these bullets. If you want air time and red mist on large varmints then this is the caliber for you."

Above is Richard's personal "300 Varminter" in its distinctive South American Bloodwood stock. That is the true color of the wood--not a stain. Note the deeply recessed crown. Richard says this helps keep noise and blast away from the shooter. Richard's "Big Red" features a BAT Machine 1.600" diameter 'B' action, Bat 20 MOA rail, Burris Signature Zee rings, Jewel 1.5 oz. trigger, and a Bartlein 1.250" X 30", 1:15" twist barrel. Total weight is 24 lbs. which includes about 4 lbs of lead added to the buttstock. Richard tells us "The Bartleins have been outstanding, with consistent quality and accuracy I can count on." Richard uses a Nightforce NSX 8-32 X scope with MLR reticle. CLICK HERE to view a video of what the 300 Varminter will do (warning--very LOUD and GRAPHIC--turn down your audio before playback).
SHOOTING NEWS--NBRSA Announces Multi-Distance, Multi-Discipline 'Hall of Masters': In the 100/200 Benchrest game, perhaps the most prestigious distinction a shooter can earn is entry into the Benchrest Hall of Fame. Now that concept has been extended to all bench disciplines and distances. The NBRSA has announced a new program--the NBRSA 'Hall of Masters'. It will recognize all NBRSA National and Regional shoots including 100, 200, 300, 600, 1000-yard, Hunter Class and any new disciplines that are added. The program includes Europe and any venue where NBRSA events are held.
'Hall of Masters' point accumulation will include NBRSA match performances from the past. The program will retroactive as far back as the NBRSA can obtain valid match reports. In other words, if you won an NBRSA match last year, or even ten years ago, you've earned 'Hall of Masters' points already. The point system will be similar to the existing short-range Hall of Fame except all yardages and aggregates at NBRSA nationals will be counted. You can also accumulate a maximum of three (3) points at any Regional match. Only NBRSA points will be used. (By contrast, both IBS AND NBRSA Nat'l Comp points count for the 100/200 BR Hall of Fame.)
CAMP PERRY--Carl Bernosky Wins High Power Championship with AR: Pennsylvanian Carl R. Bernosky won top honors at the 2007 National Rifle Association High Power Rifle Championship Matches held at Camp Perry, Ohio, from August 6-10, at the Centennial Camp Perry Matches. A shooter with over 30 years of experience on the firing line at Camp Perry, Bernosky has previously won this prestigious award seven times. To take first place and win the title of High Power Rifle champion, Bernosky posted a score of 1787-89X. He was awarded the prestigious Mumma Trophy for his achievement. Second place went to David Tubb of Canadian, Texas, with a score of 1779-86X. Tubb also finished in the National Match Rifle Championship. Third place went to Ronald L. Zerr of El Paso, Texas, who posted a score of 1776-75X.
Along with the overall High Power championship, Bernosky won the Match Rifle Championship, Civilian Championship, and Carl took top honors in the Vandenburg Cup Match (798-47X); Nevada Trophy Match (598-28X); McCann Trophy Match (600-38X); Members Trophy Match (199-11X); Scott Trophy Match (200-17X); Erdman Trophy Match (588-23X); and Marine Gunner D. I. Boyd II Memorial Trophy Match (1187-51X). All in all, Carl put together a truly spectacular performance at Perry in 2007.
Bernosky was shooting a semi-auto AR15-platform rifle with a Smith & Wesson M&P lower, John Holliger match upper chambered in 6mm Hagar, 26" Krieger barrel (+ 6" bloop tube), with a Geiselle two-stage trigger. We are told this is the first time in Camp Perry history that the High Power Championship was won with an AR15 style semi-auto. The 6mm Hagar resembles a 6.8 SPC with a .100" longer body, 30-degree shoulder, and greater case capacity. It has a .420 rim diameter, and is formed from .30 Remington brass. According to John, the 6mm Hagar has a lot of advantages for the AR15 platform. First, the 6mm Hagar has enough case capacity (more than a Grendel) to shoot the 105s at optimal velocities. Second, the Hagar's smaller rim diameter (compared to a 6BR or 6.5 Grendel) produces less bolt thrust (an issue with the AR15). Third, the Hagar's relatively old-fashioned long, narrow case feeds more reliably than "modern" short, fat designs.
SHOOTING TIPS--Matching Sandbag to Stock: For better accuracy and more consistent tracking, it is important to match your rear sand bag to the profile of your stock. Some stocks are curved on the bottom of the buttstock (also called the "toe"), while others have a flat, ranging from 3/8" wide to as much as 3". Additionally, the amount of down-angle or "drop" in a stock can vary considerably. Traditional hunting stocks have a lot of drop, whereas a 1000-yd BR stock may have "zero drop" -- meaning they are completely straight from the bottom of the grip to the buttplate.
Stocks with a bottom rear flat normally work best in a sandbag that has a slot between the ears. NOTE: Ideally, you do not want the flat resting directly on the stitching--it's better to have the bottom of the stock contacting the sides of the ears a little bit above the center seam. But you still need spacing between the ears to get the right fit--it should not be so tight as to pinch or "grab" the stock. With a more conventional, round-bottomed stock that has a radiused toe, you should try a bag with taller ears and experiment with the spacing between ears.
Recently, Forum member Jon complained that his rifle was not tracking well, and needed to be re-positioned after every shot. Jon's stock has a radiused toe and quite a bit of drop. He was having the problem because the ears on his bag were too short. (See the photo at left.) Jon will get better results with a bag with taller ears and more spacing. Forum member Rayjay explains: "Everytime [John fires] the rifle the sand in the ears gets displaced.... it is not consistent shot to shot."
OPTICS--New 10-60x52 March Zoom Scope: There's a new high-magnification zoom scope in development that will offer precision shooters "more power" than ever before. Lou Murdica, who has been working directly with Deon Optical/Koto Precision in Japan, makers of the March 40x BR scope, is getting a new prototype variable-power March that tops out at 60-power. That's some serious magnification ladies and gentleman. In addition to the 60X magnification, the new March promises best-in-class resolution and, importantly, ultra-reliable tracking. We're pleased to see that the zoom March offers 60 MOA of elevation--good enough for 1000 yards. The scope has a 52mm objective, 30mm main tube, 40 MOA of windage, and weighs 24.8 ounces (704 grams). It has a side-focus parallax control, 1/8-MOA clicks, and focuses from 50 yards to infinity. Currently, the only reticle choice is a 1/16-MOA dot, but that could change with production models. Here are the remaining specs for Lou's new scope:
Feature | Minimum | Maximum | Magnification | 10x | 60x | Exit Pupil | 0.86mm | 5.2mm (calculated) | Eye Relief | 88-99mm 10x | 96-101mm 60x | Focus Range | 50 yards | Infinity | Elevation Range | - | 60 MOA | Windage Range | - | 40 MOA | Length | - | 418mm (16.46") | Weight | - | 24.8 ounces |
BENCHREST--The Modern Hunter BR Rig: In the short-range benchrest game, most of the attention goes to the 10.5-lb Light Varmint Class, and the 13.5-lb Heavy Varmint Class. But there's another class that is enjoying increased popularity--Hunter Benchrest. In some ways, Hunter BR is more challenging, because you shoot a 10-pounder with a narrower (2.25" forearm) and a 6-power scope (both LV and HV allow 3"-wide forearms and high-magnification scopes). It takes skilled gun-handling and careful aim to get the most from a Hunter Benchrest rig.
The modern Hunter BR rifle is a far cry from a typical deer rifle, or even a walk-around varminter. Jackie Schmidt explains: "Do not be fooled by that title 'Hunter Benchrest', or HBR. The typical HBR Rifle has, like its cousin the Group Rifle, evolved into a very singular-purpose piece of equipment, suited to do one thing very well -- namely to shoot Xs in the competitive arena, governed by rather strict sets of rules promulgated by the IBS or the NBRSA. The two defining factors in HBR are the minimum case capacity, and the 6-power scope. Everything else is just window dressing."
Can one shoot a real factory gun in Hunter BR Class? The answer is yes, IF your factory rifle meets these qualifications:
" Total gun weight no more than 10 pounds.
" Stock forearm must be convex (at least slightly) on the bottom, and no more than 2.25" wide.
" Gun must have magazine capable of holding at least two cartridges. (Normally, however, Hunter BR shooters don't feed from the magazine.)
" Gun must shoot a cartridge with at least 45 grains of water capacity (the equivalent of a 30-30).
" Scope must be a 6-power or capable of being set and used at 6X magnification.
Top Hunter BR shooter Al Nyhus tells us: "As Jackie has pointed out, the Hunter class in Benchrest has mutated into full race BR rigs...much like NASCAR 'stock cars' or NHRA 'Pro Stock'. The original intent of Hunter was for a class where the average person with an interest in accuracy could bring a good shooting hunting rifle and give BR a try. Still a darn good idea, to me.
Here's a photo of my Hunter Benchrest rig, which is pretty typical of what's being used at this point in time. My Hunter BR rig is pretty standard stuff except for the chambering. It features a Stolle R/L Kodiak action tweaked a bit by Stan Ware, Kostyshyn 1:17 four groove, chambered for the 30 WolfPup (30BR .240" long/.085" neck length). The photo below shows a Leupold 6X scope but I've been using a Sightron 6X lately. This stock is an old Speedy/McMillan pattern HBR stock. I had it dipped (externally coated) with a carbon fiber pattern. By the rules, Hunter rifles cannot be glue-ins, so pillar bedding is the norm. I guess the forearm is about as 'convex' on the bottom as any other stock currently in use. This is another area where the guns have evolved and the rulebook(s) haven't exactly kept pace with the current state of what's being used."
SPOTTING SCOPES--New Leica 65mm and 82mm Televids: We heard from our friends at SWFA.com that Leica's current 62mm and 77mm Televid spotting scopes are being discontinued. Now we know why. Bigger and better models will be available in early 2008. These are completely re-designed, with larger objectives, more advanced glass, and special new AquaDura" coatings that shed raindrops. A new, very compact 65mm Televid will replace the current 62mm model. Leica's top-of-the-line unit has jumped up to 82mm from 77mm. Even with their bigger objectives, Leica claims both new scopes will be the most compact premium spotting scopes in their respective classes. The new Televid 65 and 82 also now sport full rubber armor.
The big news is the glass. Both the new 65mm and the 82mm will come with flouride glass, with optional (extra cost) APO (apochromatic) lenses for reduced chromatic distortion. Leica claims the optical performance of the new spotting scopes is significantly better than the preceding models. The use of specialty fluoride glass yields improved contrast without altering natural color tones. The Leica Televid 82 and Televid 65 spotting scopes are both available with straight or angled eyepiece housing, with either HD or APO glass. The new APO versions feature redesigned apochromatic lenses for high contrast viewing free of color aberrations. The High Definition (HD) versions use specialized glass in a newly designed lens arrangement for improved clarity and contrast.
The new Televid spotting scopes come complete with quality Leica zoom eye-pieces. Televid HD versions come with a Leica VARIO 20-60x eyepiece, while the Leica APO-Televid versions sport the new high performance wide-angle Leica VARIO 25-50x WW ASPH eyepiece. Leica claims this is the first premium zoom eyepiece to offer a field of view comparable to wide-angle fixed-power eyepieces. As noted above, the new Televid 65 and Televid 82 both feature AquaDura" lens coatings. This is a Leica proprietary coating technology used on all exterior glass surfaces. This AquaDura coating repels moisture, causing raindrops to cleanly drip off from the lens surface. Additionally, fingerprints and dirt can be easily removed. For more information, visit www.leica-camera.com. Downloads: 82 mm APO Brochure (.pdf) | 65 mm APO Brochure (.pdf)
ACCESSORIES--Custom Bolt Knobs: Looking for a cool extended bolt knob to provide extra leverage and more secure grip while working the action of your rifle? Bolt Knobs by Bill offers a wide array of styles and colors, all hand-crafted with great precision. Bill Hawk's products range in price from $20 to $30. The O-Ring style provides excellent comfort and grip. The Tactical style knob is slightly longer and has no o-rings. It is available with or without knurling. Bill also offers a conventional oversized ball in plastic or metal. Click images below to see LARGE PHOTOS.
Custom bolt knobs are made from aluminum stock that has been machined, media blasted, and powder coated for a durable and uniform finish. Choose from dozens of powder-coat colors. Knobs are drilled and tapped to fit 5/16 x 24 threaded bolt handles. A round ball style is available in aluminum, steel, or phenolic (hard plastic with threaded brass insert). This configuration still provides plenty of gripping surface but keeps the overall length of the bolt handle shorter compared to the tactical model. Bill Hawks tells us that all his products can be customized: "I started selling bolt knobs a few years ago when I began to combine my passion for metal working and my passion for shooting. Of course, there were other manufacturers who already made bolt knobs, but I wanted to offer something a little different by allowing the shooter to tell me what they wanted and do my best to produce it. Hence the 'custom' part. Most people are happy with the tactical and o-ring knobs that are featured on my website, but I also make them to customer spec. Length, profile, thread size, and material can all be adjusted at no extra charge in most cases. My emphasis is primarily on offering a service to my fellow shooters." There is a secure shoping cart on Bill's Website, so it's easy to order. Direct questions to info [at] boltknobsbybill [dot] com, or call (319) 321-0827.
RESOURCES--Cartridge Diagrams on Revamped NORMA website: AccurateShooter.com offers high-resolution Cartridge Diagrams for most of the popular cartridges used in competitive rifle shooting and varminting. But we don't yet cover many larger hunting cartridges (such as 25-06) and the older military chamberings (such as the 6.5 Carcano). If you need a reference diagram for a hunting or military caliber, head over to the Norma website, www.Norma.cc. Norma's new caliber information section provides diagrams and cartridge histories for over 70 cartridges. Here are two samples.
25-06 Remington
Originally designed by A. O. Niedner about 1920, this is simply the 30-06 necked down to handle 25-caliber bullets, with no other changes. In 1969, more than half a century later, Remington standardized it as a factory chambering. During the 1900s many of once highly-regarded 25-caliber numbers faded and died e.g., 25-20 WCF and 25-35 WCF. Conversely, the 25-06 has maintained some, perhaps increasing, degree of popularity since standardization. Thus, it is the only commercial chambering keeping the "quarter-bore" alive and kicking. Read MORE
7.55x55 Swiss
In 1889, Switzerland adopted the 7.5x55 for the new Schmidt-Rubin straightpull bolt-action rifle. Whereas early versions of this unusual rifle design included a number of undesirable features that significantly limited strength and safety of the action against gas leaks, which limited safe working pressure, the improved version of 1911 could utilize the full potential of the 7.5x55 case, when loaded to a reasonably high pressure of 45,500 psi (3138 bars). Such loads allow this chambering to essentially match 308 Winchester ballistics. Therefore, this cartridge is suited to the same hunting applications as is that, more modern, cartridge. Despite its name, this cartridge uses standard 0.308-inch bullets. The original loading used a bullet that was indeed near 7.5mm in diameter (0.299-inch) but was paper-patched, to work in a standard 30-caliber bore. To add further to confusion, the common designation for a 30-caliber bullet is 7.62mm, which is not equal to 0.308 inch. Both 30-caliber and 7.62mm indicate bore diameter, which is about 0.300" for most standard 30-caliber or 7.62 chamberings. In such barrels, groove diameter and, therefore, necessary bullet diameter is 0.308 inch (7.82mm).
BLOG Items Wanted: Can you share a smart reloading tip, or news of a great bargain on gear? Can you give us a report from a major match? Then contribute to our 6mmBR Blog. Just email your comment or news item to Mailbox@6mmBR.com. Please keep photos under 300 kb.
COMPETITION--Larry Isenhour Sets New 600-Yard Records: Larry Eisenhour became the third man to go "sub-inch" at 600 yards in sanctioned competition, setting two new IBS Light Gun records in the process. Larry's 0.943" 50-3X group was an impressive accomplishment on the new, smaller target adopted this season.
Fellow shooter Sam Hall reports: "Congratulations to Larry Isenhour. At Oak Ridge, TN this weekend (8/25/07), I got to witness Larry break the IBS 600-yard single target Light Gun group record with a 0.943" inch group. All were in the 10 ring for a perfect 50 score -- which will also be a new IBS 600-yard single target LG score record. That will be hard to beat! Conditions were not 'perfect' either. Switchy winds of 5-15 mph. There were several large groups shot over the day. It could not have happened to a more deserving fellow. Larry is a great guy and a great competitor."
Here's the target and the gun that shot it. Larry's rifle (smithed by Mike Davis) features a Stolle Panda action, and 25.5" Lilja 3-groove 8-twist barrel with 2500 rounds on it. The stock is a one-off custom built by Larry's brother Robert. It's walnut with a layer of Curly Maple in the middle. Note how the wood layers are stacked vertically rather than the more conventional horizontal lamination. The barrel is a bit on the short side because it started out as a .243 Ackley and then was re-chambered as a BRX (after 200 rounds), losing some length in the process. Larry believes that "You don't need a super-long barrel. 25-26" is plenty for the 600-yard game". CLICK for LARGE PHOTO.

Larry was shooting a 6 BRX with 32.8gr of Varget powder, along with the Lot 559 Berger 105gr VLD bullets. NOTE: Lot 559 included the first 105s produced with Berger's new die, and some shooters were concerned that the bullet diameters were smaller than previous 105s. Addressing those concerns, Berger polished the die, with the result that current 105 VLDs are very slightly larger in diameter than lot 559 bullets. Just shows you that maybe the new die VLDs were pretty good right from the start. Larry told us that "The lot 559 105s have shot like lasers through this barrel."
Larry shoots a mild load, running about 2910 fps, with a .272" no-turn neck. The record-setting brass was two and a half years old and had been reloaded 15-18 times without annealing. He neck-sizes first then resizes the whole body with a .308 die (this is longer than a 6BR body die so it sizes the longer BRX case from top to bottom). Larry's shooting style is "modified free recoil". He places his thumb behind the tang and one finger on the pistol grip very lightly, "just to index the trigger consistently", according to Larry. He'll let the stock touch his shoulder lightly. He shoots as fast as reasonably possible under the conditions. "Once I've got the gun indexed and the point of aim set right, I'll touch her off--I don't wait around", Larry observed.
EXPERT ADVICE--Speedy's Benchrest Guide Available online: Benchrest Hall of Famer Speedy Gonzalez has prepared a comprehensive Guide to Benchrest Competition. It covers all aspects of the game: gear selection (hardware), reloading methods and tools, plus shooting skills and strategies. All of this is available on the web for free, thanks to Speedy and the Swedish Benchrest Shooters Assn. (SWBSA). CLICK HERE to read Speedy's very complete BR Guide.
Speedy's article is a gold-mine of info on shooting compenents and specialized reloading tools. It is also richly illustrated with high-quality photos showing gun components and reloading gear. Many of the photos show tools that have been sectioned so you can view the internal components.

Speedy also discusses bullet design, and load tuning. There is a very informative section on Time Management and Target Management that will benefit all competitive shooters, no matter what their discipline.

NATIONAL MATCHES--Final Results from Camp Perry: The final results of the NRA Rifle and Pistol National Championships at Camp Perry, Ohio are now available online at the NRA Website. As reported earlier in our Daily Bulletin, John Whidden of Nashville, GA, won his first NRA High Power Long Range National Championship with a score of 1241-68X out of a possible 1250-125X, edging defending LR champion Kent Reeve by 5 points and 3 Xs. The competition, held August 11 - 14, marked the conclusion of the Camp Perry's Centennial (100th anniversary) National Match program.
Whidden overcame a one-point deficit heading into the final day of competition, winning the Palma Individual Trophy Match with a score of 446-25X to claim the overall title. Reeve finished second overall with a score of 1236-65X, and SFC Lance Hopper of the United States Army Marksmanship Unit (USAMU) finished third with a score of 1233-64X. Shooting in the second of four relays from the 1,000-yard line in the Palma Match, Whidden was unsure if his score would hold up for the win, especially with SPC Tyrel Cooper of the USAMU, the tournament leader at the time, and Reeve yet to shoot.
"I really didn't know if my score would hold up because I know those guys can score well at any time," Whidden said. "I had a real good 1000-yard string, but I just didn't know if that was good enough to win." Swirling wind conditions made shooting a high score in the Palma Match extremely difficult, resulting in Cooper firing a 435-21X and Reeve a 442-23X. "We had a fishtailing wind from behind and it was easy to get caught up in big changes," said Whidden. "I just tried to shoot safe shots. There were lots of opportunities for danger."
"I knew it's a long race and at a lot of points the lead would change hands," added Whidden, who lurked near the top of the leader board throughout until grabbing the lead at the end. "But I knew it'd be decided at today's 1,000-yard line."
Joe Sopko of Macungie, PA, shot a score of 1190-29X to win the High Service Rifle title. Nancy Tompkins of Prescott, AZ, posted a score of 1226-65X to win the Women's National Championship. The High Junior was Nick Mowrer of Ramsay, MT, who posted a score of 1193-34X. The High Senior was Jon Rhynard of Haughton, La. Haughton fired a score of 1232-51X. Samuel Garee of Canton, Ohio, was named High Grand Senior with a score of 1211-48X. In addition, the open-sight Leech Cup and the any-sight Wimbledon Cup, two of the oldest trophies awarded at the National Matches, were won by Cooper and fellow USAMU shooter SGT Brandon Green, respectively, during Long Range competition. The USAMU also swept the team matches fired at the event, winning both the Roumanian and Herrick Trophies. Approximately 350 competitors competed in the Long Range matches, shooting at distances ranging from 800 to 1,000 yards.
RELOADING--K&M Tools Available from Bruno's and Precision Reloading: If you've been looking for the specialized reloading tools from K&M, contact Precision Reloading, 1-800-223-0900, a catalog and online vendor located in Mitchell, South Dakota. Precision Reloading recently started stocking the excellent K&M Arbor Press, which can measure bullet seating pressure with an optional Force Gauge. K&M's neck-turning tool (item KMMACN) is a favorite of serious reloaders, and the Primer Seating Tool with depth gauge (item KMPST975) is perhaps the most sophisticated device of its kind. This gives a positive read-out confirming that your primers are all seated to the same depth. Bruno Shooters' Supply also carries K&M products at very attractive prices. Shown at right is the Neck-turning Tool with optional Pilot Jack, Carbide "doughnut-cutter" mandrel and indicator for neck-wall thickness.
GUNSMITHING--AR15 Upper Assembly Guide: Want to build your own accurized, heavy barrel AR15 Varminter? MidwayUSA offers a complete, step-by-step guide to upper assembly on its recently updated website. The 30-page AR15 Upper Assembly Guide features excellent photos, clear instructions, and a full list of all the parts required--down to the smallest pins and fasteners.
We found it very easy to follow the step-by-step guidelines. Some how-to guides omit important steps, or assume a relatively high degree of gunsmithing experience. That's not the case here. MidwayUSA's guide shows you how to select and adjust your tools, and provides expert advice on important tasks that are often glossed over, such as setting the barrel torque: "Seat the Threads (recommended in the U.S. Marine Corps Technical Manual). If you are not using Loctite, make sure you hold onto the Outer Receiver Nut so the gas holes stay in alignment. Torque to 35 ft-lbs. Loosen. Torque to 35 ft-lbs. Loosen. Torque past 35 ft-lbs until gas holes are in alignment, making sure not to exceed 80 lbs."
The AR15 Assembly Guide is part of the NEW "MidwayUSA Knowledge Center". The online Knowledge Center combines the Gun-Tec Glossary, How-To Videos, Gunsmith Directory, and indices of Firearm Schematics and Product Information Sheets. There's a ton of useful information offered in the Knowledge Center, and it's all for free.
NEW PRODUCTS--'CARB-Out' from Makers of Wipe-Out: Chemist and entrepreneur Terry Paul, creator of Wipe-Out foam bore cleaner, has come up with a new product, "CARB-Out". This is specifically designed to remove carbon from rifle bores, including the stubborn carbon ring that can build up with extended firings. Initial test reports are very promising. CARB-out is out-performing Shooters Choice and Hoppes Elite (aka MPro-7), two of the most popular carbon solvents on the market.
Terry Paul claims his new "CARB-Out" will "knock out stubborn carbon rings better than anything out there--you don't need abrasives anymore." One of the "superstars" of short-range benchrest, we'll just call him "Mr. T" for his first name, has been using "CARB-Out" in major matches this year. It has replaced Iosso paste in his cleaning kit. You can order "CARB-Out" from SharpShoot-R" Precision Products, Terry's company, or from MidwayUSA, which expects to receive its first supplies of CARB-Out next week. At MidwayUSA, CARB-Out costs $8.49 for an 8 oz. aerosol bottle (item #312649). For more info, call SharpShoot-R" at (785) 883-4444. Terry himself might just answer the phone.
INDUSTRY NEWS--John Nosler Honored with Pioneer Award: The NRA has named John A. Nosler the winner of the inaugural NRA Golden Bullseye Pioneer Award. Mr. Nosler was the unanimous choice of an eight-member selection committee, acting on behalf of NRA members nationwide", said NRA Publications Executive Director Joe H. Graham. One of the worlds foremost innovators in ballistics and bullet design, Nosler invented the Partition and other custom bullets. He pioneered the premium bullet category that has been widely adopted by big-game hunters, and has influenced bullet manufacturers worldwide.
If you've wondered how the Nosler Partition came to be, "In the fall of 1946, a stubborn, mud-caked Canadian moose failed to go down, despite a well-placed shot from John Noslers 300 H&H. On the way home from that trip, John started thinking about a way to make a bullet that would perform well every time, no matter what the size of the game or the shot angle. Over the next year, he experimented with bullet design, finally settling on a unique, dual core bullet that was really the first Partition?. The following fall, John and his friend, Clarence Purdie, both killed moose with one shot using Johns new bullet. After a few years of production on lathes, John developed the impact extrusion method of manufacture [that] produced bullets with extremely concentric jackets[.]" (From Nosler.com.)
To learn more about John Nosler and his bullet designs, get your hands on Going Ballistic, a "Professional Memoir" told by John Nosler to outdoor writer Gary Lewis. With over 150 photos, and many fascinating accounts, this book is available from Sun Publishing for $24.95. CLICK HERE to read a short sample from Chapter 11, "Penetration and Expansion--The Need for a Better Bullet". The John A. Nosler Endowment of The NRA Foundation, funded by Nosler Inc., sponsors the NRAs Basic Rifle Training Program.
BLOG Items Wanted: Can you share a smart reloading tip, or news of a great bargain on gear? Can you give us a report from a major match? Then contribute to our 6mmBR Blog. Just email your comment or news item to Mailbox@6mmBR.com. Please keep photos under 300 kb.
COMPETITION--Sarver Sets Amazing new LG Record, 1.403", 50/ 5X: Tom Sarver has entered the ranks of the Immortals. Shooting at the Thunder Valley (Ohio) Range on July 7th, Tom nailed a truly spectacular 1.403" 5-shot group at 1000 yards. This represents a new IBS Light Gun group-size record that edges Rich DeSimone's 1.564", previously thought "untouchable." What is even more amazing is that the group was centered, producing a 50-score with 5 Xs. That will be a new IBS Score record as well.
Tom can be justifiably proud of shooting the new record, particularly at a range and facility that he constructed himself (Tom is the proprietor of Thunder Valley). Tom was shooting a big 30 wildcat he calls the "300 Hulk", a shortened 338 Lapua Magnum necked down to 30 caliber, pushing 240gr Sierra MatchKings (0.711 BC) at close to 3000 fps. Tom is using about 85 grains of H1000. He anneals the Lapua brass after every firing, and the brass that set the record was on its 58th firing! After the record Group/Score target on Relay One of Match 7 in the Ohio 1000-yard series, Tom added a 6" group that secured the Light Gun class victory according to fellow Thunder Valley shooter Dan Wassum. Dan also notes: "Tom has been very close several times to records, but this time all five were in the right spot." (J.P. Lucas was the 2007 Ohio Overall Two-Gun Champ at Thunder Valley this year.)
Stay tuned for updates on our home page. We are working with Tom on a detailed feature story on the rifle. This will include many of Tom's accurizing and case-forming secrets. We hope to release Sarver's "Saga of the 300 Hulk" later in August.
OPTICS--Davis Power-Boosting Lens Insert: Gene Davis has a new product that boosts the magnification of Leupold, Sightron, and Weaver BR scopes. A threaded ring with a Zeiss lens simply screws on to your scope behind the eyepiece, using the threads provided for lens caps. (Consider it an eyepiece extension that fits between your eye and the end of the scope). Both 2X and 3X models are available. The 2X version increases image size about 15% while the 3X boosts the viewed image roughly 30%. Hence, on a 36X scope, Davis' 3X booster creates the equivalent of a 46X power scope. Starting with a 45X Leupold you can get 58X power. Many long-range BR shooters are using this product and reporting to Gene that they can see bullet holes at 600 yards and beyond for the first time. However, there is a price for the extra magnification--the reticle will appear slightly larger, and the image will appear somewhat darker. Some users say you will notice a drop-off in resolution past 300 yards. But, according to Gene: "the image darkening is almost imperceptible during prime daylight hours." We think Gene's invention is a winner--a great way to get more magnification at a low cost--$100.00. We also like the fact that, unlike an internal boosting job, you can simply remove the Booster if you want to return to the original magnification level.
Gene reports: "If the scope has screw-in lens caps, these Optical Boosters perform well. We started with a product for the Leupold Competition scopes. We now have Optical Boosters for Weaver T36 and Sightron 36BR as well. We are working on other brands of scopes and the earlier Leupold scopes that do not have threads for the cap. The Optical Boosters do a fantastic job for old or poor eyes. They fit any Leupold scope that has screw-in lens caps, as well as the Weaver and Sightron 36-power target scopes. The Boosters require no internal modification and will not effect the factory warranty. The Optical Boosters (either 2X or 3X) cost $100 delivered." To purchase, contact Gene Davis at (740) 503-4486 or gdavis10 [at] columbus.rr.com.
Here are reports from two users: Dick Wright: "Mine is on a 45X Leup.... It's now a 60X Leup. I got it at the Super Shoot. Excellent optics. You have to re-focus the crosshair. I used it at the Oscoda match where we had lots of mirage. It was a 200 yd. score match and I could see my .22 bullet holes easily. This is totally subjective but, if anything, it made it easier to see. It's an optical booster that really works for a mere [$100] bucks. All you have to do to reverse the process is un-screw it."
Joe Pellegrene: "I just got back from the range using my new 3x magnifier on a 45x Leupold. Now it's a 60x scope and I can't imagine how I ever lived without it. If anyones having trouble seeing their bullet holes on the target this product is well worth the money. It's easily the most significant piece of equipment that I bought yet. I plan on using it on several different rifles since you just unscrew it and screw it on the next one. It that takes about 10 seconds to do that. The fine cross hairs on my Leupold were magnified, but so was the target so everything seemed proportional. It's so much nicer seeing what youre trying to hit."
VIDEO--Fast Shootin' at 1000 Yards: Ever wondered what it was like to pilot a 60+ pound Heavy Gun in top-level competition? Want to see how fast a shooter can rip off 10 shots downrange? Check out this video of John Buhay shooting his 6 Dasher Heavy Gun at the Williamsport World Open on Sunday, July 15. John launches 10 shots in 26 seconds start to finish, even with multiple point of aim adjustments. John's rifle employs a trued Remington Action in a Delrin and aluminum stock crafted by Buhay himself. If you cringe seeing John launch brass over his shoulder--he has a towel that catches his empties. Click the image below to download the 4.8 megabyte video. If you have the Media Plug-in, the video should launch when you double-click. ? 2007 AccurateShooter.com. Video by Jason Baney
RELOADING--New IMR 4007 Performs Well: Here's a report from Ed Eckhoff, who has served as Match Director for the U.S. F-Class Nationals, NBRSA 600-yard Nationals and other major events held at the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center. Ed has been working with the 6.5x47 Lapua necked down to 6mm. Ed told us he was getting good velocity and stellar accuracy with the new IMR 4007 SSC (Super Short Cut) powder. "I was testing recently at 300 yards, and the first two shots pretty much went through the same hole. The group ended up well under .4 inches. Pretty amazing for 300 yards". Ed is using 39.0+ grains of IMR 4007 SSC with his own custom-made 108 grain boat-tail bullets. Ed said he can get his 108s well over 3100 fps and there has been no stiff bolt lift and no ejector marks. Ed's big question was barrel life: "Has anyone shot out the barrel on a 6-6.5x47 yet? What kind of barrel life can be expected."
COMPONENTS--New Triggers from Timney: Lock, Stock & Barrel is currently selling Timney triggers at 25% off normal retail. Triggers are available for most popular actions including Browning, CZ, Mauser, Remington, Ruger, Sako, Springfield, and Winchester. We are impressed with Timney's new Rem 700 "Tactical" trigger (item TM501T). This Rem Tactical trigger adjusts from 4 to 10 ounces pull weight. It features a knurled Anschutz-style vertical trigger shoe that can adjust for angle (cant) and length of pull. You can see in the photo there is a horizontal bar secured by a set screw. Loosen the screw and you can change the trigger shoe cant angle and slide it fore and aft. The trigger housing is machined from solid steel, and all contact surfaces are CNC-machined steel that has been hardened, surface ground, and polished. Timney's Rem 700 Tactical trigger is now just $86.06 at LockStock.com. That's a great deal. The same trigger sells for $134.95 on Timney's Online Store, TimneyTriggers.com.
Timney also offers two new AR-15 triggers. The AR-15 Competition trigger is a true drop-in replacement for the standard fire-control system that uses your rifles original hammer/trigger pins. Timney claims the trigger module can be installed in ten minutes. It comes in 3- or 4-lb versions and features a crisp, one-stage pull. MSRP is $194.95, and a skeletonized version (shown below) retails for $234.95. Lock, Stock & Barrel does not list the new AR-15 trigger in inventory, but you can call for pricing, (800) 228-7925.
GUNSMITHING--Bushing Firing Pins for Less Cratering, Better Ignition: Shooters who convert factory actions to run 6BRs or 6PPCs should consider having the firing pin bushed. These small-cased cartridges like to run at high pressures. When running stout loads, you can get cratering caused by primer flow around the firing pin hole in the bolt face. The reason is a little complicated, but basically the larger the hole, the less hydraulic pressure is required to crater the primer. A limited amount of cratering is normally not a big issue, but you can reduce the problem significantly by having a smith fit a bushing in the firing pin hole. In addition to reduced cratering, bushing the firing pin often produces more consistent ignition.
This is a highly recommended procedure that our editors have had done to their own rifles. Greg Tannel (Gre-Tan Rifles) is an expert at this procedure, and his turnaround time is fast--usually 1-3 days (shop time). Current price for a bushing job, which includes turning the firing pin to .062", is $60 including return shipping. If you have a factory rifle, a bushed firing pin is the way to go if you are shooting the high-pressure cartridges such as 6PPC, 6BR, and 6.5x47. This is one of the most cost-effective and beneficial upgrades you can do to your factory rifle.
GOVERNMENT--OSHA Retracts Controversial New Regs: OSHA recently proposed new regulations that would treat firearms powders and primers as the equivalent of Det Cord and Explosives. Potentially, this would block mail-order and online sales of powders, because of the tight restrictions on sales and transportation. The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute (SAAMI) now reports that OSHA's proposed new regulations for explosives (29 CFR 1910.109 et seq.) are being retracted pending a full review. A bi-partisan group has convinced OSHA to table the proposed regulations for the time being. The NSSF reports: "26 members of Congress expressed concerns with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) proposed explosives rule. This bi-partisan opposition, along with NRA grassroots initiatives and the work of NSSF and SAMMI, made OSHA understand the necessity ... to revise its notice of proposed rulemaking and clarify the purpose of the regulation. NSSF and SAAMI will continue to work with regulators concerning the myriad problems with the proposed rule[.]" For more info visit the SAAMI website.
GENERAL--Shipping Guns and Gun Components: Gunsmith Nat Lambeth ("RustyStud" on our Shooters' Forum) offers the following advice for readers who need to ship rifles or major gun components (actions, barrels etc.) to gunsmiths or repair facilities: "You have several options when shipping your guns to and from a Gunsmith. I've tried them all and had problems with them all. Here are some pointers:
1. Always package your unloaded firearm so that it is not loose and can't work itself loose during transport. I recommend, at minimum, you use a hardcase inside a cardboard box. You can order a hard case from any of the 6mmBR.com website catalog advertisers. It will come in a nice cardboard box. Just open the end and slide it out. Put your gun in the plastic hard case (after oiling the metal parts) and slide it back into the box. Then tape and relabel the box. Make sure marking on the box does NOT identify the contents as a gun. (You may be required to identify the contents to the shipping company or U.S. Postal Service clerk however.) For a very expensive gun, consider using a wood shipping crate. I will be making some shipping cases from plywood and foam line them. I will have to charge my customer a deposit and when they return the shipping crate I will return their deposit.
2. Pack individual components carefully, and enclose them in separate bubble wrap (or styrofoam) if there is any chance the parts can contact one another. Your editor had an experience where the finish of a fine, blued handgun was ruined because the repair facility had placed old, replaced trigger parts loosely in a foam-lined case with the handgun. During shipping these spare parts worked back and forth, gouging and scratching the pistol.
3. Confirm the recipient's address BEFORE you ship. Individuals and businesses change locations all the time. Don't assume an address you used a few months ago is still valid. It's tempting to use old addresses that are pre-configured in the UPS or Fedex web-based shipping programs, but you should always confirm address validity prior to shipping.
4. Always put the sender's and recipient's telephone number on the outside of the box with the address. I have neighbors call me all the time saying I have a box that was delivered to them by mistake. If there is any way the label could be torn off or ripped, write the number on the cardboard with a felt pen.
5. Always send your packages insured for full replacement value. Take time-dated pictures of the contents before you ship. (This is yet one more reason to get an inexpensive digital camera, such as the Canon 550.) If you're shipping a firearm with special collectors' value, deluxe wood, or engraving, be sure you have detailed, high-quality photos of the item so you can prove its worth.
6. Always send firearms and expensive components "Adult Signature Required" if by FedEx, UPS, or DHL. If they are sent via U.S. Postal Service, send them restricted delivery. This insures a tracking number and verification they got to their destination. If you ship USPS, it's not a bad idea to pay a little extra for the green return receipt. That's one more piece of evidence that works in your favor if the recipient claims non-delivery. The green card also reminds the carrier to confirm the address.
7. Keep all your shipping documentation for a year after the package has been received. There could be a unseen damage that turns up several months down the road. This illustrates the importance of carefully inspecting items you receive immediately. Don't let a box sit around for days before you open it.
8. Handguns are by law required to be sent by common carrier (unless you are an FFL holder). Most of the common carriers have their own rules requiring overnight or next day delivery. Long guns can be sent by ground and you can use the U.S. Postal Service. Companies such as FEDEX and UPS may try to stick you with a higher cost shipping bill by claiming that rifles and shotguns must go next day or air. That is not true. Long guns can be shipped via ground. Do check local laws however--California has special rules regarding ARs and registered "assault weapons".
9. Keep an eye on your gun by monitoring the tracking number. You can do this online with FEDEX, UPS, and USPS. If your package does not reach its intended destination, when it is supposed to be there, then initiate a traceright away. Don't wait.
When Something Goes Wrong--Filing Claims
In my experience it takes from 7 days to 10 months to get a settlement on a claim. Don't hesitate to take a shipper to small claims court if necessary. If the shipper gives you the run-around, filing a small claims action may be the best $40.00 you can spend. It only costs $40.00 to start a small claims action and the subpoena is another $5 bucks. Usually sending a subpoena to an officer will result in a rapid settlement. It is cheaper for the carrier to settle than have their corporate bigwig stuck in some small claims action. Realize the carrier usually is not the insurer.
I have had two claims within the last 10 weeks and neither has been settled yet. In both cases the barelled action was double-boxed ,and in one case it was also inside a piece of schedule 80 PVC pipe and was broken. The other was in a double-walled cardboard box. The action was bent at the action barrel juncture, it now looks like a boomerang. The muzzle was pushed through six layers of double wall corrugated box. I quit using UPS over a year ago. Depending on how FEDEX settles these last two claims, I'll decide whether I use their services again. Your editor prefers FEDEX as he has found that they paid non-delivery claims swiftly and at full value. One thing for sure, if you use USPS you have the Postal Inspectors and the BATF looking for your gun if it is lost."
BLOG Items Wanted: Can you share a smart reloading tip, or news of a great bargain on gear? Can you give us a report from a major match? Then contribute to our 6mmBR Blog. Just email your comment or news item to Mailbox@6mmBR.com. Please keep photos under 300 kb.
INDUSTRY NEWS--Brownell's Acquires Sinclair International: Brownells is acquiring the business and all the assets of Sinclair International, one of the leading vendors for the precision shooting market. More than a catalog and online retailer, Sinclair designs and manufactures many of its own specialty reloading products. Sinclair Intl will function as a separate entity of Brownells, and Bill Gravatt will continue as the President of Sinclair Intl. Sinclair will maintain its facilities and operations in Indiana, and will continue to sell its full product line as a Brownells-owned enterprise.
Sinclair International is one of the most respected manufacturers and suppliers of high quality reloading tools and shooting accessories in the world. Sinclair International, located in Indiana, is in its 22nd year and provides products to customers around the world. Brownells, operating out of Iowa, is in its 68th year and also supplies customers world-wide.
BULLETS--Diameters of 6mm Match Bullets: Theres been some controversy surrounding the ideal 6mm bullet diameter. This is compounded by the fact that 6mm match barrels are available with both .236? and .237? land diameters. It has become quite clear to us that bullet diameter is an important variable to consider when choosing the best projectile for your particular barrel. Some barrels prefer fat bullets while other barrels prefer skinny bullets.
Jason Baney recently took the time to measure 12 different sets of 6mm Match Bullets, including a couple different lots of the same bullet design. Interestingly, Jason did measure the old Berger 105 VLD, the new Berger 105 VLD (first lot from the new die), and the new, improved Berger 105 VLD from the new die, after it was polished. Ten (10) Bullets were measured per type. Each bullet was measured three times (3X) around the largest circumference, normally where a pressure ring would be located (some bullets have a pronounced pressure ring, others do not). Download this CHART as an MS Word Document.
FACTORY GUNS--Major Remington Rebate Campaign: In an effort to reduce inventory (and expand its customer base), Remington Arms Co. announced a major product rebate campaign to commence August 1, 2007. Remingtons Load Up on Savings campaign will be the largest firearms-related consumer rebate program ever offered in a single season. (This is one of the first major moves by the new executive team recently installed at Remington by Cerberus Capital Management, Remingtons parent holding company.) Remington hopes the promotion will stimulate sales during the fall and winter hunting seasons, as rebates will be offered on purchases from Aug. 1 through Dec. 31, 2007. A full list of rebate-eligible products (including rifles, shotguns, and ammo) will be posted on the Remington website. Our readers will be most interested in the following offers:
$50 rebate on Rem Model 700 and Model Seven Bolt Action Rifles (700 SPS" and 700 ADL")
$30 rebate on Rem Model 700 SPS/ADL, Model 770, Model 710 and Model 715 Bolt Action Rifles
$30 rebate on Model 798/799 Mauser Action Rifles and Model 870 Express Pump Action Shotguns.
FIELD Competition--Jason Shines at Allegheny Sniper Challenge: Jason Baney, our 1000-yard editor, has put together a new 6.5x47 Lapua rifle for practical/tactical field matches. He's developed a very accurate load with Lapua Scenar 123s and H4350. With that load, Jason recently competed in the Allegheny Sniper Challenge (ASC). Jason placed first in his squad, out-scoring some past and present military snipers. Jason said the load and gun performed flawlessly: If I could hold it& the gun could hit it. No magazine issues whatsoever. This round is good to go in a mag-feeder.
Click the photo (left) to see a VIDEO showing Jason hitting multiple metal targets in a timed, rapid-fire sequence at ASC. Note how much JB has to swing the rifle around and adjust for angle and elevation changes. In this stage, Jason had to engage seven targets from 200 to 600 yards, starting at 350, then moving out to 600 and back to 200. Jason says: There was a 20 mph full-value crosswind running and we werent allowed to touch the scope. Thats a serious hold-off. Jason was one of the few ASC shooters to clean this stage, hitting all targets. Running a Tac gun in ASC is a far cry from shooting free recoil from the bench. But Jason says: BR, Tactical, VarmintingTheyre all about accuracy and theyre all fun.
STOCKS--New Robertson F-Class Stock: Robertson Composites has just released its new GBF F-Class stock. According to Ian Robertson, this new design evolved with considerable input from the British F-Class team, hence the GBF name. Weve refined the grip area, and the fore-end is completely new, with a stepped design for a lower center of gravity and improved tracking. The front of the fore-end is also relieved on the underside. This effectively lets the stock run on two integral rails. Weve learned that this also improves tracking and reduces rocking since the stock doesnt contact the hump in the middle of the front sandbag. The new stock ships with adjustable butt-plate and cheekpiece with complete hardware. Special price, through July 4, 2007 is $799.00 US (after that it with be $825). This price includes complete inletting for most actions, and customer choice of one or two colors, including granite (as shown). Click for large CAD-CAM drawings.

OPTICS--Integrated Spotter and Rangefinder Mounting Bracket: Reader Sunbuilder's first-ever custom rifle is a beautiful laminated varminter chambered in 6.5x47 Lapua Improved. Built by Neil Jones, the rifle features all-premium components: Stiller Diamondback action, Lilja 30" 8-twist barrel, and a NightForce 8-32x56 NXS. Built as a long-range varminter, the gun has displayed superior accuracy. But to improve his likelihood of first-round hits, Sunbuilder (Scott) designed and fabricated a special mount that holds his Zeiss spotting scope and Leica CRF laser rangefinder in perfect alignment (vertically and horizontally). This not only steadies the lightweight CRF, but ensures that his 7-power rangefinder is hitting exactly the same ranging target he views in his high-magnification spotter. It is a brilliant concept, well-executed by Scott, who reports: "The mount can be adjusted so the spotting scope and rangefinder are both centered on the same object. The only way I have found to get repeatable long-range laser readings is to make them from a stable base."
RELOADING--New Searchable Hodgdon Powder Database: Hodgdon has created a new Reloading Data Center with reloading info for hundreds of cartridges, including loads from all three lines of powders that Hodgdon distributes: Hodgdon, IMR, and Winchester.
With the new online database, you start by selecting a cartridge, such as .308 Winchester (see photo below). You can get all load data for that caliber, or restrict the search results to a particular powder type or bullet weight. Or you can filter by manufacturer--choosing just Hodgdon powder recipes, just IMR, or just Winchester loads. Once you get the hang of it, the database works very well, letting you target your recipe to specific bullets and powders you know will work. While Hodgdon still offers a "book-style" online load manual, listing loads by calibers, the new searchable database makes it easier to dial in a load for a particular bullet type and weight. You get only the load data you need and you don't have to scan through a long page of load recipes for powders/bullets you don't use. Shown at right is the actual output when we searched for ".308 Winchester", 155 grain bullets, and "all" Hodgdon-label powders.
RIMFIRE--Benchmark Barrels in High Demand: Benchmark rimfire barrels keep winning small-bore benchrest matches and racking up record-setting scores. Benchmark pioneered the radical (at the time) two-groove, heavily choked barrels that are setting new standard for rimfire accuracy. Many of our readers have asked for more information about Benchmark, but they've been frustrated because Benchmark doesn't have a website. Well, don't fret, we've found that Benchmark is very responsive when you contact them by telephone or email. Chances are, when you call Benchmark at (360) 652-2594, head honcho Ron Sinnema will answer the phone, and he'll graciously explain what makes Benchmark barrels so accurate. Ron will also answer email sent to: Benchmark [at] yahoo.com (replace with @ symbol). Direct snail-mail inquiries to: Benchmark Barrels, 1105 Pioneer Hwy. East, Arlington, WA 98223.
OPTICS--NIKON Releases Impressive New Monarch 6-24x50: The new Nikon Monarch scopes have been eagerly anticipated. Now, finally, we expect the first shipments to hit dealers' shelves the first week of July. We are especially interested in the new 6-24x50 side-parallax Nikon. SWFA.com and The Optic Zone have priced this scope at $629.95 (Nikoplex reticle), making it hundreds of dollars cheaper than a Leupold 30mm 8-25x50 LRT. The new 6-24x Monarch could be an ideal varminting and general purpose target scope. It features 1/8-MOA clicks, 1"-diam. one-piece tube, 34 MOA elevation, 2.1 mm exit pupil, locking side-focus parallax adjustment, and near-constant 3.6-4.0 inch eye relief throughout the zoom range. Nikon has created a new website showing off the features of all the new Monarchs, including the 6-24x50 and the 5-20x44 zooms. Click HERE to visit the new Nikon Monarch preview website.
HUNTING--Aerial Deer-Hunting Safari in New Zealand: New Zealander Michael Falconer has authored a splendid account of a recent Fly-in hunt he and his buddies took on New Zealand's North Island. Mike provides a stirring account of the stalks and snapped some outstanding pictures of the scenic countryside. You'll find the first part of Mike's story in our Daily Bulletin, June 11. Mike reports: "The country is a rolling contour, and is a mixture of rough pasture, scrubby gullies and native bush. It bounds onto the Wanganui Forest Park, which is thousands of acres of dense bush. The only access is by jet boat up the Whanganui river, or by air. The area is a hunting paradise."

BLOG Items Wanted: Can you share a smart reloading tip, or news of a great bargain on gear? Can you give us a report from a major match? Then contribute to our 6mmBR Blog. Just email your comment or news item to Mailbox@6mmBR.com. Please keep photos under 300 kb.
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