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Neck turning question
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3 posts
Dec 06, 2004
5:56 PM
Hey guys,

I've seen more than a few posts on the proper technique for neck turning brass. These posts say when you turn the necks, the brass isn't suppose to be removed from the enrire diametre of the neck, as its taking too much off.

OK, so when I turn my necks, i'm taking all the brass of the diametre of the neck, so help me but when I miked my neck thickness it was even all around. My brass is Lapua 6.5/284 necked down to 6mm. Runout on the necks was .002


1000yd Editor
64 posts
Dec 08, 2004
9:56 AM
Michael--your best bet is to click the "New Forum" link and re-register, than ask your question on the new board. Only takes a couple minutes.


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